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The Data Advice Community @ MQ is a friendly open-source collaborative forum for all Macquarie University staff and students - across all faculties - to ask and answer questions about data. Everyone's questions and contributions are welcome! No question is too foolish to ask but please categorise your question to facilitate a succinct answer.

Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsersRepliesActivity
Welcome to this community
The Data Advice Community @ MQ is a friendly open-source collaborative forum for all Macquarie University staff and students - across all faculties - to ask and answer questions about data. Everyone's questions and contributions are welcome! No quest...
    UncategorizedS02018-10-03 05:52:52.211Z
    MQ TeX Users Group Meeting Announcements
    Details at
      Announcements02018-10-02 13:46:53.564Z
      For folks to chat about whatever they want.
        SupportWJ82018-10-03 06:09:56.227Z
        MQ R Users Group Meeting announcements
        The next meeting of the R Users group will be a workshop led by Richard Miller. It will be held on Thursday, October 24th at 3:30pm in the Continuum Room (75 Talavera Road room 3114).
          R32019-10-10 09:01:05.896Z
          Where can we find a copy of the latest R User group workshop slides?
          Hi - This is a sample question.. but could also be a real one ;). Should we post a link to the GitHub page here - if that's where all workshop material will be stored? Also - perhaps we should post a link to this forum on the github page...
            R32018-10-10 16:13:18.786Z
            Sample idea
            This is an example idea. Click the idea icon to the left of the title (i.e. ) to change status from New Idea, to Planned-to-do, to Doing-now, to Done. In the topic list, everyone sees the status of the idea at a glance — the status icon is shown to t...
              IdeasS02018-07-09 02:03:21.839Z
              Sample question
              This is an example question. Click "Solution" below to accept an answer. In the topic list, everyone sees that this is a question, and if it's new (the icon), or if it's been answered ( the icon). In the topic list: To see all unanswered questions, c...
                SupportS12018-07-09 02:03:21.806Z
                Sample problem
                If you get a report about something being broken, and you need to fix it, you can change the topic type to Problem (like this topic) — click the pencil to the right of the title. Then, when you decide to fix the problem, click to the left of the titl...
                  SupportS02018-07-09 02:03:21.676Z
                  Sample discussion
                  This is an open ended discussion. Good comments rise to the top, and people can click Disagree to show that they disagree about something.
                    UncategorizedS02018-07-09 02:03:21.650Z
                    Explain icons...